PTO Bylaws
PTO Bylaws
Corwin International Magnet School
Parent/Teacher Organization By-Laws
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be Corwin International Magnet School (CIMS) Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO).
Article II – Mission Statement and Purpose:
1. The Mission of the Corwin International Magnet School PTO is:
“to enhance the learning experiences of our children through engaging and supportive activities and facilitate communication between parents, teachers and school administration.”
2. The purpose of the Corwin International Magnet School PTO is:
a. To promote cooperation among parents, administration, staff and students in order to encourage a friendly atmosphere in the school that is open to the rights and suggestions of all;
b. To promote an open forum on matters of general school concern;
c. To support efforts of volunteers in “fun-raising” for the benefits of students and the school on a not-for-profit basis;
d. To promote public relations through community involvement in the school;
e. To organize a not-for-profit basis and not to conduct its operations for profit.
Article III – Membership
Members of the PTO are all parents and guardians whose children are students in the school. Members also include staff and administration of the school as determined by the school administration. There will not be any membership dues.
Article IV – Executive Council
There shall be an Executive Council (ExCo) that will serve as the administrative arm of the PTO. The ExCo will meet once per month. A quorum will consist of at least four ExCo officers.
Section 1: The ExCo shall include a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, PYP Rep, MYP Rep, PYP Teacher Rep, MYP Teacher Rep & Communications Director which can be co-chair.
Section 2: All ExCo officers shall be elected at an annual meeting held at the end of the school year. Election of ExCo officers shall be by ballot except when there is only one nominee for an office. The ExCo officers shall be elected to serve for one year. Their term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the school year.
Section 3: No ExCo officer shall hold more than one office at a time. There shall be no time limit to the number of consecutive terms an ExCo officer may hold the same position.
Section 4: Vacancies on the ExCo will be filled by appointment by the ExCo officers.
Section 5: When an ExCo officer fails to attend two meetings without adequate excuse, the ExCo officer is not fulfilling his/her responsibilities as prescribed by the by-laws, the officer may be replaced by ExCo by a vote of at least 5 of the other 6 officers and the position may be filled according to Article IV, Section 5.
Section 6: Before an ExCo officer or spouse accepts a position from the school with any renumeration, full disclosure shall be provided to the PTO in order to disclose the relationship.
Article V – Duties of ExCo and its Members
Section 1: The President shall preside at all PTO Meetings and perform all duties assigned by the PTO. In addition, the President will be responsible for submitting weekly announcement requests.
Section 2: The Vice President shall serve in the absence of the President including filling in when there is a vacancy amongst ExCo officers.
Section 3: The Secretary shall keep a record of all PTO meetings and any required correspondence (including minutes, briefs, etc.). Minutes should be circulated within one week following PTO or ExCo meetings.
Section 4 The Treasurer will keep the PTO’s financial records and books in good order and will be primarily responsible for all financial transactions. The Treasurer will work with the school Principal and school Secretary in keeping financial records. Financial records shall be open to inspection of the general PTO membership. Any commitment to make an expenditure will be approved by the Treasurer and either the President or Secretary. All PTO monies will be deposited in the CIMS Student Activity Account as required by Pueblo City Schools.
Section 5: The MYP & PYP representatives will serve as liaisons between the Middle Year Program and Primary Year Program teachers and PTO.
Section 6: The Communications Director will be responsible for updating the CIMS PTO website.
Section 7: The school Principal shall be present during PTO meetings. The school Principal provides the PTO with information on administration development in the school.
Article VI – Meetings
Section 1: PTO meetings will be held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of each month during the school year. PTO meetings will be open to all members as well as to guests at the invitation of any member.
Section 2: Special PTO meetings shall be called by the President and/or two or more ExCo officers with adequate notice and approval of the school Principal.
Section 3: A quorum will consist of those present. There will be one vote per PTO member. Unless otherwise stated, PTO decisions will be decided by majority voting.
Section 4: When an item is presented at the general PTO meeting that needs to be decided by vote, a vote will require a motion, a second to that motion and a majority vote in order for the item to be passed.
Section 5: Once a motion has passed, it will require final approval by the Principal.
Article VII – Committees
Section 1: Committees, standing or special, will be appointed by the ExCo as necessary.
Section 2: Each committee will make reports to ExCo and will submit a written report on its annual activities at the May ExCo meeting.
Article VIII – Amendment of the By-Laws
Section 1: These by-laws can be amended at any meeting of the PTO by a 2/3 vote of those present. Proposed amendments should be forwarded to the ExCo at least 10 days before a regularly scheduled PTO meeting.
Section 2: Copies of these by-laws will be available at the first meeting of the PTO each year and will be available for review at any time in the school office.
Article IX – PTO Funds
Section 1: Any monies spent under $500 can be approved by ExCo officers, anything over $500 will be presented to the General PTO Members for vote & approval.
Section 2: Staff and/or Teachers at CIMS are welcome to request funds from PTO. To make a request, a request form must be completed and submitted to ExCo. The request will be reviewed and presented at the first PTO meeting following the request. Request forms can be obtained in the school office or from any ExCo member.
Section 3: An annual budget will be discussed/presented at the first PTO meeting of the school year. If so voted, a capital fund account will be set aside with funds for a specified long term project. If funds are placed in a capital fund account, in order for those funds to be released, a motion will need to be made and passed at a general PTO meeting.
Article X – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the PTO, any funds that have accrued to the PTO’s account will remain in the School Activity Account which will be held until a new parent organization is established whose purpose is for the betterment of the students of Corwin International Magnet School.